Shim ReStackor spreadsheets

The installation package installs Shim ReStackor spreadsheets on the C: drive:

  • C:\ReStackor\Excel
  • C:\ReStackor\OpenOffice

The spreadsheets can be copied, renamed and run from any directory on any drive. However, all file I/O and the executable must be on the C:\ReStackor path.


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Get User key

  1. Open the “metric-ReStackor.xls” or “ReStackor.xls” spreadsheet in the C:\ReStackor\Excel or OpenOffice directory
  2. Set the Vspec parameter to "Ukey"
  3. Hit the "Run" button

The popup execution window will show your User key

1a 1 link ratio

Install code key

  1. Open the “metric-ReStackor.xls” or “ReStackor.xls” spreadsheet in the C:\ReStackor\Excel or OpenOffice directory
  2. Set the Vspec parameter to "Ckey"
  3. Hit the "Run" button
  4. Enter "1" to continue with code key change
  5. Enter the PayPal code key and hit return

Entering your code key will authorize all Shim ReStackor spreadsheets to run at the PayPal purchased code level.

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Reset spreadsheet analysis stroke

The Vspec parameter specifies the shock absorber stroke type:

  • BVc: Base valve or compression adjuster stroke
  • MVc: Mid-valve compression stroke
  • MVr: Mid-valve rebound stroke

Optional inputs:

  • Ukey: Get User key
  • Ckey: Install code key